School Council

Our School Council 

Our local Councillor, Andrew Eade, presented our School Council with their certificates.  He also spent time talking to the children about his role and democracy.

School Council Voting 

Everyone cast their vote today for who they wanted to represent them in the School Council. The results will be announced next week. Well done that took part and prepared speeches to read out during assembly.

Telford Mayor presents the 2018 Newly elected School Council Members with their certificates.

School Council

At Church Aston Infant School we value the opinions of the children.

The School Council gives them a voice.

We believe that:

  • Pupils have a right to be listened to.
  • It is important that pupils are consulted when appropriate.
  • A democratically elected School Council provides a structured opportunity for active pupil participation in decision-making within the school.

The School Council aims:

  • To empower pupils to participate in their school community as active citizens.
  • To promote a sense of responsibility and ownership of the school community.
  • To give the children a 'voice' through the School Council representatives.
  • To encourage children to care for school property by involving them in decision making processes.
  • To foster and encourage positive and responsible attitudes and behaviour.

The School Council is made up of children from Reception to Year 2 and meets regularly
to discuss issues and plan school events and resources with Mrs Griffiths.

Many of the suggestions made by the School Council are acted upon and help to make our school a happy and pleasant place to work and play.