Welcome to the Class 2 Spring Term Page.


In PHSE the children have been thinking about their dreams and goals. They have been set challenges over the last few weeks that has required effort and teamwork to achieve. This week they were set a challenge to work as part of a group, to organise themselves and ensure each team member had a job to do. They were creating a dream bird for their dream garden. They created some really magical birds and enjoyed sharing them with the class. We talked about what they found challenging and how they overcame those challenges to continue to work as a team. 

Our Class topic is Antarctica and we have been finding out lots of interesting facts. We learned that the Emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguins. We really enjoyed creating a huddle of penguins and placed them all around school.

This week, on Scratch Jnr, the children have added four different sprites to their background and algorithms separate algorithms to make the four sprites do separate movements at the same time.

Once they mastered this, they created their own projects.

Many of the children chose to create a project for the Snow Dragon we have been reading in English.

In Art we have been using chalks to make marks like the Northern Lights. The children controlled the chalk, made a mark and experimented with smudging.



Class 2 have been working on algorithms on Scratch Jr. Did you know an algorithm is a precise set of instructions? We made our sprite move along the screen. We had to use the green flag block to start and a red block to end.   


In computing we had an ‘unplugged’ activity. This was to draw a setting for the story of the Snow Dragon and think about the algorithm you would use to move around the setting.